Tuesday, July 24, 2007

River Dance - Of Death

KublaCon 2007. Sunday. Slept until 11AM. Post shower I got to work on the last of my Paranoia details. Final touches on the character sheets.

Hung out in the Chaosium booth for awhile in the early afternoon. I was encouraged to submit a game to them via their Monograph series. I'm tempted, but I've just never submitted. Gotta do some soul searching and figure out why.

Running Call of Cthulhu at 3:30 , a 4 hour game. A River Runs Through it. Short, but I ran it at Endgame's Minicon and it worked. Another mad scientist game. This nut case finds a series of gateways that lead to 'Lost Cities' all over the world (and on other worlds). Sorta 'Stargate meets Endymion'. But these are lost cities of the Cthulhu mythos, soooo not very healthy to go there. The nice thing about this approach is that it can be a long game or a short one. I have several cities lined up, each more horrible than the last. I can run the players through as many as I need to. If they're fast, add another city. If they're slow, cut some out and get to the last city, then back home (if they survive).

It was interesting to run an adventure for a second time. I rarely do and I found that my GM'ing was improved and the game was as well. As with every game at this year's KublaCon, my game was full with people wanting to crash. Half the registered Players didn't show. I just don't understand this. Gamers constantly whine that they don't get into games at conventions. Then they do and they don't bother to show up? One friend of mine has nearly given up registering for games. They go to crash any game they want and almost always get in. Strange.

One of the Players who did show up asked if her 12-year-old daughter could play. Needing to fill the last spot, I agreed with the stipulation that this was a horror game and the mom had to be OK with this. She was and the two characters they chose were boyfriend/girlfriend. OK, that's a bit weird, but the cool thing is that I got to introduce a young player to Call of Cthulhu. There was also another new player, so I'm gaining more minions for the Elder Gods.

The game went well with everyone dying except one character that managed to make it back home. I take that back, the 12-year-old's character was lost in a non-euclidian city going slowly insane. I managed to get the game in at exactly 4 hours and everyone seemed to have a good time.

I trucked to the hotel sportsbar to grab some dinner and ended up next to the Justice Radio folks. These whacked-out people run an internet radio station for online gamers. They're super-fun people. I may run an event for them next year. They hang in City of heroes. Find 'em online at www.justiceradio.net

I meandered to Todd's Thy Will game to find my friend Matt DeHayes playing the same character I had. I hung for awhile, then back to the room to get some sleep before Paranoia on Monday AM.